Saturday, April 25, 2009


Wow I really took my sweet time doing this. What should've been done 21 days ago ended up collecting dust (my wacom collected dust, literally) right until yesterday, when I decided to pick this up again and put it out of its misery.

Well anyway, this piece has been entitled 99.5% (not Ender as previously stated), because it's not complete to be crowned an official title. In fact, for some reasons unexplained, the piece falls within the line of completion and incompletion altogether. Probably need some more tweaking on the details, probably it was never meant to be completed. Most probably, though, is because I'm not skilled enough to create a piece that caters my hunger for perfection.

In that case from now on every piece of mine should be named 99.5%.

....... nah.

Full view for ugly details.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ender WIP


Something I hope to finish by today.